Sunday, September 18, 2011


was going to write a nonsense post about silly thoughts that run though my brain hole, consisting of an army of meows and actual deep thoughts ans what not.
But I thought otherwise. Now I'm writing a nonsensical post about not writing a nonsensical post.

Sigh of somewhat relief.

I finished making my blog! 

Well, I've been finished. I've just been procrastinating until 53 minutes before Monday. I started following, but I'm pretty sure I didn't do everything that was needed for this assignment, so I'm going to go back and look at it again.

I forgot how fun typing full sentences is. I look forward to doing this when I'm a bit older and maybe getting paid for it. I like correcting people, and I like typing. Maybe... an editor?

Flawless, by the way. no need to check for mistakes^